I. Sermanoukian Molina, J.A.A. van den IJssel, F. Gini, E. Schoenemann (2024): Analysis and Enhancements of ESA/ESOC Multi-GNSS Solutions. Master's thesis, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. Download
T. Kur, J. Śliwińska-Bronowicz, M. Wińska, H. Dobslaw, J. Nastula, A. Partyka, S. Belda, C. Bizouard, D. Boggs, S. Bruni, L. Chen, M. Chin, S. Dhar, R. Dill, P. Duan, J. M. Ferrandiz, J. Gou, R. Gross, S. Guessoum, S. Han, R. Heinkelmann, C. Huang, C. Irrgang, J. Kudrys, J. Li, M. Ligas, L. Liu, W. Lu, V. Mayer, W. Miao, M. Michalczak, S. Modiri, M. Otten, T. Ratcliff, S. Raut, J. Saynisch-Wagner, M. Schartner, E. Schoenemann, H. Schuh, M. K. Shahvandi, B. Soja, X. Su, D. Thaller, M. Thomas, G. Wang, Y. Wu, C. Xu, X. Xu, X. Yang, X. Zhao, Z. Zhou (2024): Prospects of Predicting the Polar Motion Based on the Results of the Second Earth Orientation Parameters Prediction Comparison Campaign, Earth and Space Science , 11 , e2023EA003278. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023EA003278
W. Enderle, F. Dilssner, T. Springer, M. Otten, S. Bruni, M. van Kints, F. Gini, E. Schoenemann, F. Zimmermann (2024): Genesis New Combined Processing , 9th International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS, 25-27 September 2024, Wrocław, Poland, Download
F. Gini, V. Mayer. B. Traiser, T. Springer, F. Dilssner, I. Sermanoukian Molina, E. Schoenemann, W. Enderle (2024): Advancements in Operational GNSS Processing: A Comprehensive Analysis of ESA’s New Methodology , 9th International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS, 25-27 September 2024, Wrocław, Poland, Download
W. Enderle, E. Schoenemann, J. Ventura-Traveset, R. Swinden (2024): Lunar Reference Frame and Lunar Time Reference – ESA’s View. United Nations, International Committee on GNSS, 24. - 28. July 2024, Vienna
S. Kogure, S. Song, E. Schoenemann (2024): The latest status on GNSS Monitoring and Assessment (IGMA)-IGS Joint Trial Project. International GNSS Service Symposium and Workshop 2024, 01 July 2024, Bern
E. Schoenemann, F. Dilssner, F. Gini, F. Gonzalez, M. Seitz, M. Blossfeld, T. Springer, W. Enderle (2024): ESA ANTEX: A Consistent GNSS Satellite Phase Center Model Based on Galileo Ground Calibration Data. International GNSS Service Symposium and Workshop 2024, 01 July 2024, Bern, Donwload
F. Gini, V. Mayer. B. Traiser, T. Springer, F. Dilssner, I. Sermanoukian Molina, E. Schoenemann, W. Enderle (2024): ESA's New Operational GNSS Processing Approach for Precise IGS Products . International GNSS Service Symposium and Workshop 2024, Poster Session 1, 01 July 2024, Bern, Download
W. Enderle, F. Dilssner, T. Springer, M. Otten, S. Bruni, M. van Kints, F. Gini, E. Schoenemann (2024): GENESIS new combined processing . International GNSS Service Symposium and Workshop 2024, Poster Session 1, 01 July 2024, Bern
P. Stebler, M. Kalarus, R. Dach, E. Schoenemann, A. Jäggi (2024):
How Do Errors in Box-Wing Model Propagate in a Global GNSS Solution
International GNSS Service Symposium and Workshop 2024,
Poster Session 1,
01 July 2024, Bern
P. Waller, S. Gidlund, G. Fusco, E. Honore-Livermore, E. Sakalauskaite, W. Enderle, E. Schoenemann, V. Navarro, Vicente (2024):
GENESIS: A Multi-Technique Geodetic Observatory in Space
International GNSS Service Symposium and Workshop 2024,
Poster Session 1,
01 July 2024, Bern
E. Schoenemann (2024): GNSS Monitoring Pilot Project Technical Report 2023. In International GNSS Service Technical Report 2023 (IGS Annual Report). IGS Central Bureau and University of Bern; Bern Open Publishing DOI 10.48350/191991
E. Schoenemann, F. Gini, W. Enderle, F. Dilssner, V. Mayer, M. van Kints, I. Romero, T. Springer, B. Traiser (2024): ESA/ESOC IGS Analysis Centre Technical Report 2023. In International GNSS Service Technical Report 2023. IGS Central Bureau and University of Bern; Bern Open Publishing DOI 10.48350/191991
P. Waller, S. Gidlund, G. Fusco, E. Honore-Livermore, E. Sakalauskaite, E. Schoenemann, W. Enderle (2024): GENESIS: an ESA Mission for the benefit of Navigation and Science. European Navigation Conference 2024, ESA ESTEC, Noordwijk, NL 22 May 2024. Download.
F. Gini, K. Akiyama, E. Schoenemann, K. Kawate, F. Dilssner, Y. Igarashi, T. Springer, S. Ikari, M. v. Kints, T. Sasaki, V. Mayer, H. Takiguchi, S. Kogure, W. Enderle (2024): Advancing Precision in Navigation: The ESA-JAXA Collaboration for Enhancing QZSS Performance. GPS World, May 2024. Download .
Steindorfer, M., Koidl, F., Kirchner, G., Wang, P., Dilssner, F., Schoenemann, E., Strangfeld, A., Gonzalez, F. (2024): Satellite laser ranging to Galileo satellites: symmetry conditions and improved normal point formation strategies. GPS Solutions 28(73). DOI s10291-024-01615-9
Śliwińska-Bronowicz, J., Kur, T., Wińska, M., Dobslaw, H., Nastula, J., Partyka, A., Belda, S., Bizouard, C., Boggs, D., Bruni, S., Chen, L., Chin, M., Dhar, S., Dill, R., Ferrandiz, J. M., Gou, J., Gross, R., Guessoum, S., Han, S., Heinkelmann, R., Irrgang, C., Shahvandi, M. K., Li, J., Ligas, M., Liu, L., Lu, W., Mayer, V., Michalczak, M., Modiri, S., Otten, M., Ratcliff, T., Raut, S., Saynisch-Wagner, J., Schartner, M., Schoenemann, E., Schuh, H., Soja, B., Su, X., Thaller, D., Thomas, M., Wang, G., Wu, Y., Xu, X., Yang, X., Zhao, X., Zhou, Z. (2024): Assessment of length-of-day and universal time predictions based on the results of the Second Earth Orientation Parameters Prediction Comparison Campaign. Journal of Geodesy, 98( 22). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-024-01824-7
Bertrand, B., Defraigne, P., Hees, A., Sheremet, A., Courde, C., Chabé, J., Ventura-Traveset, J., Dilssner, F., Schoenemann, E., Mendes, L. Delva, P. (2024) Searching for large dark matter clumps using the Galileo Satnav clock variations. Advances in Space Research, 2024, ISSN 0273-1177, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2024.03.080 , https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2403.17890
Kogure, S., Song, S., Schoenemann, E. (2023): IGMA Progress and Plan , International Committee on GNSS, Madrid, Spain, October 17, 2023, Download
Crenshaw, J., Giordano, P., Swinden, R., Schoenemann, E., Bruni, S. (2023): LunaNet: Interoperability for Lunar PNT , International Committee on GNSS, Madrid, Spain, October 17, 2023, Download
Bertrand, B. Defraigne, P., Hees, A., Courde, C., Chabé, J., Ventura-Traveset, J., Dilssner, F., Schoenemann, E., Mendes, L., Delva, P.: Searching for large dark matter clumps using the Galileo Satnav clock variations , Presentation at Journées des systèmes de référence spatio-temporels 2023, "Time and General Relativity", 11-13 September 2023, Nice (France) Abstract , Download
Schoenemann, E. on behalf of the GGSP consortium (2023): The Galileo Terrestrial Reference Frame (GTRF), Presentation at the Tour de l'IGS 6th Stop - Galileo Constellation Spotlight, organized by ESA/ESOC, 23.05.2023, Download
Schoenemann, E. and W. Enderle (2023): Potentiale großer Positions-Datenmengen für die Navigation von morgen, Präsentation bei der Konferenz: Global Navigation meets Geoinformation, Darmstadt, 30.03.2023, Download
Schoenemann, E., & Navigation Support Office (2023): Galileo Geodetic Reference Frame , Tour de l'IGS 6th Stop: Galileo Constellation Spotlight, 23.05.2023, Download
Bertrand, B. , Defraigne, P., Delva, P., Hees, A., Wolf, P., Chabé, J., Courde, C., Ventura-Traveset, J., Dilssner, F., Schoenemann, E., Mendes, L. (2023): GAlileo Survey of Transient Objects Network (GASTON) project Searching for dark matter using the Galileo satellites, IEEE IFCS-EFTF 2023, T oyama, Japan, 11.05.2023
Gini, F., & Navigation Support Office (2023): Galileo Precise Orbit and Clock Determination, POD concept at ESOC, Tour de l'IGS 6th Stop: Galileo Constellation Spotlight, 23.05.2023, Download
Dilssner, F., T. Springer, F. Gini, E. Schoenemann, W. Enderle (2023): New type on the block: Generating high-precision orbits for GPS III satellites, GPS World, May 15, 2023, View
Kehm A., H. Hellmers, M. Bloßfeld, R. Dill, D. Angermann, F. Seitz, U. Hugentobler, H. Dobslaw, M. Thomas, D. Thaller, J. Böhm, E. Schoenemann, V. Mayer, T. Springer, M. Otten, S. Bruni and W. Enderle (2023): Combination strategy for consistent final, rapid and predicted Earth rotation parameters, Journal of Geodesy, 97(3), DOI 10.1007/s00190-022-01695-w, 2023, Download.
Enderle, W., Schoenemann, E., Zimmermann, F., Gini, F., Berton, J.C. (20 22 ): ESOC Galileo Precise Orbit Determination. Galileo Masterclass Brazil , 02 September 20 22, Download
Schoenemann, E. (2022): "ESA/ESOC's activities and contributions to the Geodetic Reference - The importance of Inter-Technique consistency", Presentation at the Geodesi- og hydrografidagene, Starvanger, Norway, 17 November 2022, Download.
Juan, J.M., J.Sanz, A. Rovira-Garcia, G. Gonzalez-Casado, J. Ventura-Traveset, L. Cacciapuoti and E. Schoenemann (2022): "A methodology to improve the long-term estimation of GNSS clock corrections and phase biases using multi-frequency GNSS measurements", Presentation at the 8th International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS, 14 - 16 September 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria, Download.
Bertrand, B., P. Defraigne, P. Delva, A. Hees, A. Sheremet, P. Wolf, J. Chabe, C. Courde, J. Ventura-Traveset, F. Dilssner, E. Schoenemann and L. Mendes (2022): "GAlileo Survey of Transient Objects Network (GASTON) project", Presentation at the 8th Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS, 15 September 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria, Download.
Garbin, E., R. Piriz, D. Garcia, F. Gonzalez, E. Schoenemann, C. Plantaard, G. Laeufer and P. Waller (2022): " GNSS Time Transfer Using High-Gain Antennas", Presentation at the 8th International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS, 14 - 16 September 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria, Download.
Swinden, R. P. Giordano, J. Ventura-Traveset, L. Cacciapuoti, J. Carpenter, E. Schoenemann, S. Bruni, W. Enderle and D. Gomez Otero (2022): "Moon Sensor Station to support lunar PNT and science as part of Moonlight", 8th International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS, 14 - 16 September 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria , Download.
Laurenti, M., Stallo, C., Bellardo, V., Marty, J.-C., Giordano, P., Zoccarato, P., Schoenemann, E., Swinden, R., Ventura-Traveset, J. (2022): Reference Frames Analysis for Lunar Radio Navigation System. Proceedings of the 2022 International Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation January 25 - 27, 2022, Hyatt Regency Long Beach, Long Beach, California, DOI: 10.33012/2022.18170
Enderle W., F. Gini, E.Schoenemann, R. Zandbergen and F. Zimmermann (2022): The ESA Navigation Facility at the European Space Operations Cente - Independent Services and Reference Products for Precise Navigation and Timing, Presentation at the POSNAV 2022 - Positioning and Navigation for Intelligent Transport Systems, Organised by the German Institute of Navigation DGON, November 3 - 4, 2022, Berlin, Download.
Enderle W., F. Gini, E.Schoenemann, R. Zandbergen and F. Zimmermann (2022): The ESA Navigation Facility at the European Space Operations Centre provides Data and Services to Precise Positioning, Navigation and Timing Applications, Proceedings of the POSNAV 2022 - Positioning and Navigation for Intelligent Transport Systems, Organised by the German Institute of Navigation DGON, November 3 - 4, 2022, Berlin, Download.
Enderle W. (2022): An Introduction to the Interoperable GNSS Space Service Volume (SSV) from an ESA Perspective, Presentation at the POSNAV 2022 - Positioning and Navigation for Intelligent Transport Systems, Organised by the German Institute of Navigation DGON, November 3 - 4, 2022, Berlin, Download.
Gini F., Springer T., Otten M., Dilssner F., Mayer V., Schoenemann E., Zandbergen R. and Enderle W.: ESA/ESOC - Precise Orbit Determination for Sentinel 6 Michael Freilich based on Galileo and GPS observations, Presentation at the OSTST 2022 - Ocean Surface Topography Science Team , 01.11.2022, Venice, Italy, Download.
Dilssner, F., F. Gonzalez, F. Gini, T. Springer, E. Schoenemann, W. Enderle (2022): ESA’s Non-Gravitational Force Models for One Centimeter Orbit Determination Accuracy of Galileo Spacecraft, 8th International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS, September 14 - 16, Sofia, Bulgaria, Download.
Enderle, W., R, Zandbergen, F. Gini and E. Schoenemann (2022): ESA/ESOC - Precise Orbit Determination for Sentinel 6A based on Galileo and GPS observations, Presentation at the United Nations ICG 16th Meeting, October 9 - October 14, Abu Dhabi, UAE. https://www.unoosa.org./documents/pdf/icg/2022/ICG16/22.pdf .
Schoenemann, E. and W. Enderle (2022): ESA's'Activities in the area Earth-Orientation-Parameter - Status Update, Presentation at the United Nations ICG 16th Meeting, October 9 - October 14, Abu Dhabi, UAE. https://www.unoosa.org/documents/pdf/icg/2022/ICG16/23.pdf
Dilssner, F., T. Springer, E. Schoenemann, W. Enderle (2022): GPS III radiation force modeling. IGS 2022 Virtual Workshop, June 27 - July 1, Download.
Garbin Manfredini, E., R. Piriz, D. Garcia, F. Gonzalez, E. Schoenemann, C. Plantard, G. Laeufer and P. Waller (2022): GNSS Time Transfer Exploiting High-Gain Antennas. Paper presented at the 2022 Joint conference of the European Frequency and Time Forum & IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium, 24-28 Apr 2022 Paris, France, Paper Information
Vidal, Iñigo & Urquijo, Santiago & Overbeck, Matthias & Felber, Wolfgang & Agrotis, Loukis & Mayer, Volker & Schonemann, Erik & Enderle, Werner. (2022). Robust Tracking Strategy for Modern GNSS Receivers in Sounding Rockets. 1-7. DOI: 10.1109/NAVITEC53682.2022.9847547
Dilssner, F., F. Gonzalez, E. Schoenemann, T. Springer, W. Enderle (2022): GNSS Satellite Force Modeling: Unveiling the Origins of the Galileo Y-bias. EGU 2022, May 23-27, Vienna, Austria, Download.
Bruni S., M. Otten, E. Schoenemann, T. Springer, W. Enderle (2022): VLBI Data Analysis at ESA/ESOC, Presentation at the IVS General Assembly, 30/03/2022, Download.
Bruni S., V. Mayer, M. Otten, E. Schoenemann (2022): ESA's Earth Rotation Parameter Service, Presentation at the 2nd Earth Orientation Parameters Prediction Comparison Campaign (2nd EOP PCC) Workshop, 15 - 16 February 2022, on-line workshop, Download.
Waller, P., C. Plantard, E. Schoenemann, F. Reckeweg, S. Mejri, A. Di Mira: Report on UTC Activities at the European Space Agency, International Technical Meeting (ITM/PTTI 2022), January 25 - 27, 2022, Long Beach, CA, USA,Session P5: Timescales, Algorithms, and Timing Services,
, Download.
ESA/ESOC/Navigation Support office (2022)
ESA determines new 'space time'.
, 31.01.2022.
Associate Analysis Center at ESA/ESOC in the IVS newsletter issue 64, December 2022 Download .
Enderle W., E. Schoenemann, R. Zandbergen, F. Gini (2021): The Interoperable Global Navigation Satellite Systems Space Service Volume, II edition. United Nations, Vienna, Download
ESA/ESOC/Navigation Support office (2021):
Keeping track of spacecraft as Earth’s water alters its spin
, 22.03.2021.
Rovira-Garcia, A., J.M. Juan, J. Sanz, G. González-Casado, J. Ventura-Traveset, L. Cacciapuoti, E. Schoenemann (2021): A multi-frequency method to improve the long-term estimation of GNSS clock corrections and phase biases. NAVIGATION, 2021; 68:815-828, Download, http://doi.org/10.1002/navi.453 .
Cozzens, T. (2021): Galileo will help Lunar Pathfinder navigate around Moon - News from the European Space Agency, https://www.esa.int/Applications/Navigation/Galileo_will_help_Lunar_Pathfinder_navigate_around_Moon , GPS World, March 31, 2021, Download.
Enderle, W. (2021): Nutzungspotenziale von GNSS fuer die Raumfahrt: GNSS - Space Service Volume, Global Navigation meets Geoinformation 2021, ESA/ESOC, Darmstadt, 17 June 2021, Download.
Enderle, W. (2021): ESA, NASA Race to the Moon for First Lunar GNSS Fix, https://insidegnss.com/esa-nasa-race-to-the-moon-for-first-lunar-gnss-fix/ , Inside GNSS, March 26, 2021, Download.
Enderle, W., Development of an Interoperable GNSS Space Service Volume - Status Update. Munich Satellite Navigation Summit (virtual), 16-17 March 2021, International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG), Download.
Enderle W. , GNSS Space service volume (SSV) . TEC sharing days 03 March 2021, Download.
European Space Agency (2021): Keeping track of spacecraft as Earth's water alters its spin, https://www.esa.int/Enabling_Support/Operations/Keeping_track_of_spacecraft_as_Earth_s_water_alters_its_spin , March 23, 2021, Download.
Liu, Q., M. Hernández-Pajares, H. Yang, E. Monte-Moreno, D. Roma-Dollase, A. García-Rigo, Z. Li, N. Wang, D. Laurichesse, A. Blot, Q. Zhao, Q. Zhang, A. Hauschild, L. Agrotis, M. Schmitz, G. Wübbena, A. Stürze, A. Krankowski, S. Schaer, J. Feltens, A. Komjathy, and R. Ghoddousi-Fard (2021): The cooperative IGS RT-GIMs: a reliable estimation of the global ionospheric electron content distribution in real time. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 4567–4582, 2021, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-13-4567-2021 , Download.
Rovira-Garcia, A., J.M. Juan, J. Sanz, G. González-Casado, J. Ventura-Traveset, L. Cacciapuoti, E. Schoenemann (2021): Removing day-boundary discontinuities on GNSS clock estimates: methodology and results. GPS Solutions 25 Article number: 35 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10291-021-01085-3 .
Bruni, S., Schoenemann, E., Mayer, V., Otten, M., Springer, T., Dilssner, F., Enderle, W., and Zandbergen, R.: ESA's Earth Orientation Parameter product, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-12989, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12989 , 2021, Download.
Schoenemann, E., Bruni, S., Dilssner, F., Mayer, V., Gini, F., Otten, M., Springer, T., Enderle, W., and Zandbergen, R.: ESA’s efforts for more consistent geodetic products, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-8899, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8899 , 2021, EGU21-8899.pdf.
Schoenemann, E: Generation of Independent Earth Orientation Parameters, TEC sharing days 03 March 2021, Download.
Enderle, W. (2020): Development of an Interoperable GNSS Space Service Volume - The GNSS SSV Booklet. Presentation at the UCP 2020 Space Users Session (Virtual), 02 December 2020, International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems.
Schoenemann E., S. Bruni, V. Mayer, T. Springer, M. Otten, W. Enderle, R. Zandbergen (2020): ESA/ESOC’s EOP Estimation and Prediction Activities I CCC Joint Working Group C.1 „Climate Signatures in Earth Orientation Parameters“, 12. November 2020, Presentation
Dill R., H. Dobslaw, H. Hellmers, A. Kehm, M. Blossfeld, M. Thomas, F. Seitz, D. Thaller, E. Schoenemann (2020): Evaluating Processing Choices for the Geodetic Estimation of Earth Orientation Parameters with Numerical Models of Global Geophysical Fluids. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth Volume 125, Issue 9, September 2020, DOI: 10.1029/2020JB020025
Dill R., Dobslaw, H., Hellmers, H., Kehm, A., Blossfeld, M., Thomas, M., Seitz, F., Thaller, D., Schoenemann, E (2020): Evaluating Processing Choices for the Geodetic Estimation of Earth Orientation Parameters with Numerical Models of Global Geophysical Fluids. Earth and Space Science Open Archive N1, DOI: 10.1002/essoar.10503120.1
Schoenemann, E., T. Springer, M. Otten, V. Mayer, S. Bruni, W. Enderle, R. Zandberg en (2020): Status of ESA’s independent Earth Orientation Parameter product. Presentation at EGU 2020, May 07, Online, Abstract , Presentation
Dilssner F., E. Schoene mann, V. Mayer, T. Springer, F. Gonzalez, W. Enderle (2020): Recent Advances in Galileo and BeiDou Precise Orbit Determination. Presentation at EGU 2020, May 05, Online, Abstract , Presentation
Juan, J., M., Sanz, J., Garcia, A., R., Gonzalez-Casado, G., Ventura-Traveset, J., Cacciapuoti, L., Schoenemann, E.: A New Approach to Improve Satellite Clock Estimates, Removing the Inter-day. Proceedings of the 51st Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meeting, January 21 - 24, 2020, Hyatt Regency Mission Bay, San Diego, California, Pages: 279 - 301, DOI: 10.33012/2020.17306
Enderle, W. (2019): Developments in Space GNSS Navigation. GPS World Webinars, 2019 November 21, Download.
Enderle, W. (2019): Interoperable GNSS Space Service Volume - Update on ESA Activities. 24th PNT Advisory Board Meeting, 2019 November 20, Download.
Enderle, W, F. Gini, E. Schoenemann, V. Mayer (2019): Proba-3 Precise Orbit Determination based on GNSS observations ION GNSS 2019, September 18 - 20, 2019, Miami, FL, USA, Download.
Enderle, W, E. Schoenemann, F. Gini, M. Otten, P. Giordano, M. Crisci, J.J. Miller, O.S. Sands, D. Chelmins, O. Pozzobon, S. Fantinato, A. dalla Chiara, F. Bernardi (2019): The joint ESA/NASA Galileo/GPS Receiver on-board the ISS - The GARISS Project. ION GNSS 2019, September 18 - 20, 2019, Miami, FL, USA, Download.
Enderle, W. , F. Dilssner, E. Schoenemann, V. Mayer, R. Zandbergen, T. Springer, M. Otten, F. Gini, G. Laeufer (2019): ESOC - State-of-the-art Precise Orbit Determination. ESOC POD GNSS Colloqium, 2019 September 4, Download.
Enderle, W. (2019): Alles beim Alten, oder? Neuheiten und Veraenderungen in der GNSS-Landschaft. Global Navigation meets Geoinformation, ESOC, Darmstadt, 2019 April 11, Download.
Enderle, W. (2019): Development of an Interoperable GNSS Space Service Volume - The GNSS SSV Booklet. Munich Satellite Navigation Summit 2019, Munich, Germany, 2019 March 26, Download.
Enderle, W. (2019): International Committee on GNSS-13 Focuses on PNT in High Earth Orbit and Beyond, https://insidegnss.com/international-committee-on-gnss-13-focuses-on-pnt-in-high-earth-orbit-and-beyond/ , Inside GNSS, February 13, 2019, Download.
Enderle, W., F. Gini, E. Schoenemann, V. Mayer, M. Otten (2019): Proba-3 Precise Orbit Determination based on GNSS observations. AAS Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Breckenridge , CO, USA, 2019 January 4, Download.
Dilßner, F., E. Schoenemann, V. Mayer, T. Springer, F. Gonzalez, W. Enderle, M. Steindorfer (2019): Benefits of SLR Tracking for Galileo Orbit and Attitude Determination. ILRS workshop 2019, Stuttgart, Germany, Download.
Gonzalez, F. and Dilßner, F. (2019): Galileo Satellite Metadata. 7th International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS, September 4-6, ETH Zuerich, Switzerland, Download.
Steindorfer M.A.,G. Kirchner, F. Koidl, P. Wang, H. Wirnsberger, E. Schoenemann, F. Gonzalez (2019): Attitude determination of Galileo satellites using high-resolution kHz SLR, Journal of Geodesy, July 2019, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-019-01284-4 , http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00190-019-01284-4
Delva P., N. Puchades, E. Schoenemann, F. Dilssner, C. Courde, S. Bertone, F. Gonzalez, A. Hees, C. Le Poncin-Lafitte, F. Meynadier, R. Prieto-Cerdeira, B. Sohet, J. Ventura-Traveset, P. Wolf (2019): A new test of gravitational redshift using Galileo satellites, Presentation at the Moriond Conference, La Thuile, Italy, 23 - 30 March, 2019, http://moriond.in2p3.fr/2019/Gravitation/transparencies/2_monday/1_morning/4_delva.pdf
Delva P., N. Puchades, E. Schoenemann, F. Dilssner, C. Courde, S. Bertone, F. Gonzalez, A. Hees, C. Le Poncin-Lafitte, F. Meynadier, R. Prieto-Cerdeira, B. Sohet, J. Ventura-Traveset, P. Wolf (2019): A new test of gravitational redshift using Galileo satellites: The GREAT experiment Un nouveau test de décalage gravitationnel vers le rouge à l'aide des satellites Galileo : l'expérience GREAT, Comptes Rendus Physique, 2019, ISSN 1631-0705, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crhy.2019.04.002
Mayer V., T. Springer, E. Schoenemann, W. Enderle (2019): ESA Multi-GNSS Products. EGU, Download
Gini F., C. Flohrer, M. Otten, E. Ortiz Geist, T. Springer, V. Mayer, E. Schoenemann, R. Zandbergen, W. Enderle (2019): Integer ambiguity resolved orbits and the benefits of combined Sentinel and GPS processing. EGU, Download
Enderle W., F. Gini, E. Schoenemann, V. Mayer, M. Otten (2019): Proba-3: Precise Orbit Determination based on GNSS observations. AAS 19-098, Breckenridge CO USA, Download
Miller, J., B.W. Ashman, F.H. Bauer, D. Blonski, M. Bronstein, J.E. Donaldson, W. Enderle, A.J. Oria (2019): International Committee on GNSS-13 Focuses on PNT in High Earth Orbit and Beyond. InsideGNSS, January/February, Download.
Enderle W. , E. Schoenemann, R. Zandbergen, H. Boomkamp, F. Gini, C. Flohrer (2018): Space Service Volume Booklet: The Interoperable Global Navigation Satellite Systems Space Service Volume . United Nations, October, Vienna, Download.
Dilßner, F., T. Springer, E. Schoenemann, W. Enderle (2018): Initial Orbit Determination of Third-Generation BeiDou MEO Spacecraft. IGS workshop 2018, Wuhan, China, Download.
v. Kints, M., J. Martin, I. Romero, W. Enderle (2018): ESA/ESOC GNSS Observation Network (EGON). IGS workshop 2018, Wuhan, China, Download.
Mayer V., T. Springer, E. Schoenemann , W. Enderle (2018): Presentation of ESA's Public Multi-GNSS Products. Geodetic Week 2018, Intergeo Congress, October 16-18, Frankfurt, Germany. Download.
Parker J.J.K. , F.H. Bauer, B.W. Ashman, J.J. Miller, W. Enderle, D. Blonski (2018): Development of an Interoperable GNSS Space Service Volume. ION GNSS+, September 24-28, Miami, CA, US, Download.
Enderle W. , F. Gini, H. Boomkamp, J.J.K. Parker, B.W. Ashman, B.W. Welch, M. Koch, O.S. Sands (2018): Space User Visibility Benefits of the Multi-GNSS Space Service Volume: An Internationally-Coordinated, Global and Mission-Specific Analysis. ION GNSS+, September 24-28, Miami, CA, US, Download.
Flohrer, C., E. Schoenemann, T. Springer, R. Zandbergen, W. Enderle (2018): VLBI-derived Earth Orientation Parameters generated at ESOC. 10th IVS General Meeting 2018, June 3-8, Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Download.
Springer, T., E. Schoenemann, W. Enderle (2018): ESA/ESOC Status, ILRS AWG meeting, April 12 2018, Vienna, Austria. Download.
Dilßner, F., G. Läufer, T. Springer, E. Schoenemann, W. Enderle (2018): The BeiDou Attitude Model for Continuous Yawing MEO and IGSO Spacecraft. EGU 2018, April 09-13, Vienna, Austria, Download.
Feltens J., G. Bellei, T. Springer, M. v. Kints, R. Zandbergen, F. Budnik, E. Schoenemann (2018): Tropospheric and ionospheric media calibrations based on global navigation satellite system observation data. J. Space Weather Space Clim. 8: A30,
Koch, D., M. Rothacher, M. Meindl, K. Wang, E. Schoenemann, W. Enderle (2017): Kinematic Determination Of GNSS Orbits Including Clock Modeling, Conference Paper, 6th International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS / Galileo, Valencia, Spain, October 25 - 27, 2017, https://www.research-collection.ethz.ch/handle/20.500.11850/257810?show=full
Enderle, W. (2017): ESA Proposal for Multi GNSS Ensemble Time - MGET. ICG12 Meeting, 2017 December 2-7, Kyoto, Japan, Download.
Enderle, W. (2017): Update on ICG WG-B Achievements on Interoperable GNSS Space Service Volume (SSV). ICG12 Meeting, 2017 December 2-7, Kyoto, Japan, Download.
Enderle, W. (2017): Galileo Terrestrial Reference Frame (GTRF) - Status. ICG12 Meeting, 2017 December 2-7, Kyoto, Japan, Download.
Roma-Dollase, D., M. Hernández-Pajares, A. Krankowski, K. Kotulak, R. Ghoddousi-Fard, Y. Yuan, Z. Li, H. Zhang, Ch. Shi, Ch. Wang, J. Feltens, P. Vergados, A. Komjathy, S. Schaer, A. García-Rigo, J. M. Gómez-Cama (2017): Consistency of seven different GNSS global ionospheric mapping techniques during one solar cycle. J. Geod., https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-017-1088-9
Enderle, W., E. Schoenemann, T. Springer, F. Dilßner, F. Gini, C. Flohrer, V. Mayer (2017): Galileo Precise Orbit Determination at ESOC. 6th International Colloquium - Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS / Galileo, October 25-27, Technical University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain, Download.
Weber, R.
, Nastula,
Determination of High Frequency Earth Rotation Parameters from GPS+Galileo observation data.
6th International Colloquium - Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS / Galileo, October 25-27, Technical University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Koch, D., Rothacher, M., Meindl, M., Wang, K., Schoenemann, E., Enderle, W.: Kinematic Determination of GNSS Orbits including Clock Modelling. 6th International Colloquium - Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of GNSS / Galileo, October 25-27, Technical University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Enderle, W. (2017): Galileo für hochpräzise Anwendungen & Copernicus - ein Überblick. Global Navigation meets Geoinformation 2017, April 28, ESA/ESOC, Germany, Download.
Enderle, W., E. Schoenemann (2017): GNSS Space Service Volume - User Perspective. Munich Summit 2017, March 16, Munich, German, Download.
Springer, T., F. Dilßner, E. Schoenemann, R. Zandbergen, W. Enderle (2017): The ESA/ESOC Analysis Centre progress and improvements. IGS workshop 2017, Paris, France, Download.
Enderle, W., J. Miller (2017): First GPS/Galileo Receiver Flown in Space. GPS World, Vol. 28, No. 7, Download.
Gonzalez, F., M. Söllner, E. Schoenemann, F. Dilßner (2017): Phase Centre Calibration of the Galileo Satellite Navigation Antenna. IGS workshop 2017, Paris, France, Download.
Susnik, A. , R. Dach , K. Wang, M. Meindl, M. Rothacher, D. Koch, T. Romanyuk, I. Selmke, U. Hugentobler, E. Schoenemann, W. Enderle (2017): Improved GNSS-Based Precise Orbit Determination by using highly accurate clocks. IGS Workshop, 3-7 July, Paris, France, Download.
Wang, K., M. Rothacher, M. Meindl, E. Schoenemann, W. Enderle (2017): Improvement in the estimation of troposphere zenith delays using high-accuracy clocks. IGS Workshop, 3-7 July, Paris, France, Download.
v. Kints, M., J. Martin, N. Romero, W. Enderle (2017): ESOC Station Network Status and Progress. IGS Workshop, July 3-7, Paris, France, Download.
Flohrer, C., E. Schoenemann, T. Springer, R. Zandbergen, W. Enderle (2017): Update on VLBI data analysis at ESOC. 23rd Working Meeting of the European VLBI Group for Geodesy and Astrometry (EVGA) 2017, May 14-19, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Schweden, Download, Download paper.
Otten, M., H. Boomkamp, T. Springer, W. Enderle (2017): Sentinel orbit performance monitoring. Sentinel Quality Working Group Meeting #5, 2017 May 8-9, Darmstadt, Germany,
Agrotis, L., E. Schoenemann, W. Enderle, M. Caissy, A. Ruelke (2017): The IGS Real Time Service. Schriftenreihe des DVW, Band 87, 2017, Download , Web Page , Download Book .
Montenbruck, O., P. Steigenberger, L. Prange, Z. Deng, Q. Zhao, F. Perosanz, I. Romero, C. Noll, A. Stürze, G. Weber, R. Schmid, K. MacLeod, S. Schaer (2017): The Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) of the International GNSS Service (IGS) – Achievements, prospects and challenges. Advances in Space Research, Volume 59, Issue 7, 1 April 2017, Pages 1671-1697, ISSN 0273-1177, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2017.01.011 .
Dilßner, F., E. Schoenemann, T. Springer, C. Flohrer, W. Enderle (2017): Galileo IOV Spacecraft Metadata and Its Impact on Precise Orbit Determination. EGU 2017, April 23-28, Vienna, Austria, Download.
Dilßner, F. (2017): A note on the yaw attitude modeling of BeiDou IGSO-6. Technical note, November 20, Darmstadt, Germany, Download.
Reckeweg, F., E. Schoenemann, T. Springer, W. Enderle (2017): Galileo FOC Satellite Group Delay Estimation based on Raw Method and published IOV Metadata. EGU 2017, April 23-28, Vienna, Austria, Download.
Bauer, F.H., J.K. Parker, B. Welch, W. Enderle (2017): Developing a Robust, Interoperable GNSS Space Service Volume (SSV) for the Global Space User Community. ION International Technical Meeting 2017, January 31, Monterey, Canada, Download.
Enderle, W. (2016): ESA activities related to GNSS Space Service Volume. PNT Advisory Board, 2016, December 8, Redondo Beach, CA, USA, Download.
Enderle, W. (2016): Galileo Terrestrial Reference Frame (GTRF) - Status. ICG11 Meeting, 2016 November 6-11, Sochi, Russia, Download.
Reckeweg, F., E. Schoenemann, T. Springer, M. Becker, W. Enderle (2016): Multi-GNSS/Multi-Signal code bias determination from raw GNSS observations. Geodätische Woche at InterGEO 2016, October 11-13, Hamburg, Germany, Download.
Flohrer, C., M. Mercolino, E. Schoenemann, T. Springer, J. Feltens, R. Zandbergen, W. Enderle, T. Morley (2016): VLBI and Delta-DOR activities at ESOC. First International Workshop on VLBI Observations of Near-field Targets 2016, October 5-6, Bonn, Germany, Download.
Enderle, W. (2016): Mobilität im All und auf der Erde. DECOMM2016, September 22-23, Darmstadt, Germany, Download.
Enderle, W. (2016): Galileo & Copernicus. Global Navigation meets Geoinformation 2016, April 26, ESA/ESOC, Germany, Download.
Braun, S., S. de Fine Licht, M. Ramos, E. Schoenemann, W. Enderle, K.-J. Schulz (2016): Generation of a time scale at ESOC. 30th European Frequency and Time Forum 2016, April 4-7, York, United Kingdom, Download.
Enderle, W. (2016): Space Service Volume - using GNSS beyond GEO. ESA Space Technology Workshop, 2016 April 14-15, Noordwijk Conference Centre, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, Download.
Dilßner, F., T. Springer, E. Schoenemann, W. Enderle (2016): Evaluating the pre-flight GPS Block IIR/IIR-M antenna phase pattern measurements. IGS workshop 2016, February 8-12, Sydney, Australia, Download.
Flohrer, C., E. Schoenemann, T. Springer, R. Zandbergen, W. Enderle (2016): VLBI processing at ESOC. 9th IVS General Meeting 2016, March 13-19, Johannesburg, South Africa, Download, Download paper.
Fritsche, M., M. Uhlemann, R. Dach, E. Orliac, L. Prange, J. Dostal, A. Ruelke, W. Soehne, W. Enderle, J. Martin, E. Schoenemann, T. Springer, R. Zandbergen, Z. Altamimi, J. Chenal, S. Binda, F. Gonzales, R. Swinden (2016): Determination and Maintenance of the Galileo Terrestrial Reference Frame. EGU 2016, April 17-22, Vienna, Austria, Download.
Garcia-Serrano, C., T. Springer, F. Dilßner, C. Flohrer, E. Schoenemann, W. Enderle (2016): ESOC’s Multi-GNSS Processing. IGS workshop 2016, February 8-12, Sydney, Australia, Download.
Orliac, E., R. Dach, K. Wang, M. Meindl, M. Rothacher, T. Romanyuk, U. Hugentobler, E. Schoenemann, W. Enderle (2016): ESA Project on Improving GNSS-Based Precise Orbit Determination by Using Highly Accurate Clocks. IGS workshop 2016, February 8-12, Sydney, Australia, Download.
Romero, I., C. Noll, D. Maggert (2016): The IGS RINEX 3 Transition. IGS workshop 2016, February 8-12, Sydney, Australia, Download.
Romero, I., M. van Kints, J. Martin, V. Izquierdo, W. Enderle (2016): ESOC Station Network Status and Progress. IGS workshop 2016, February 8-12, Sydney, Australia, Download.
Schmid, R., R. Dach, X. Collilieux, A. Jäggi, M. Schmitz, F. Dilßner (2016): Absolute IGS antenna phase center model igs08.atx: status and potential improvements. Journal of Geodesy, Vol. 90, Issue 4, pp. 343-364, Springer, ISSN 0949-7714, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-015-0876-3 .
Springer, T., C. Garcia-Serrano, M. van Kints, F. Dilßner, J. Feltens, C. Flohrer, F. Gini, I. Romero, E. Schoenemann, W. Enderle (2016): The ESA/ESOC Analysis Center Progress and Improvements. IGS workshop 2016, February 8-12, Sydney, Australia, Download .
Wang, K., M. Meindl, M. Rothacher, E. Schoenemann, W. Enderle (2016): Temperature influences in receiver clock modelling. EGU 2016, April 17-22, Vienna, Austria, Download.
Gerzen, T., J. Feltens, N. Jakowski, I. Galkin, B. Reinisch, R. Zandbergen (2016): Analysis of the IMAGE RPI electron density data and CHAMP plasmasphere electron density reconstructions with focus on plasmasphere modelling. Advances in Space Research, Vol. 58 (2016), pp. 856 - 866, 2 August 2016, 1-s2.0-S0273117716302320, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2016.05.031 , Reference: JASR 12750.
Delva, P., M. Aimar,D. Albanese, S. Bertone, C. Courde, F. Deleflie, P. Exertier, D. Feraudy, A. Hees, S. Herrmann, S. Loyer, N. D. Luong, H. Mariey, G. Martinot-Lagarde, R. Prieto, N. Puchades, E. Richard, E. Samain, E. Schoenemann, T. Springer, J.-M. Torre, J. Ventura-Traveset, H. Viot, P Wolf (2015): An SLR campaign on Galileo satellites 5 and 6 for a test of the gravitational redshift – the GREAT experiment, 2015 ILRS Technical Workshop . Matera, https://cddis.nasa.gov/2015_Technical_Workshop/docs/papers/1.14_Delva_paper.pdf
Zandbergen. R., E. Schoenemann, T. Springer, J. Martin, W. Enderle, M. Uhlemann, M. Fritsche, R. Dach, L. Prange, E. Orliac, Z. Altamimi, J. Chenal, W. Soehne, J. Dostal, A. Rülke, F. Gonzalez, R. Swinden, S. Binda (2015): The Galileo Terrestrial Reference Frame and the Galileo Orbit Validation Facility. 5th Galileo Science Colloquium 2015, October 27-29, Braunschweig, Germany, Download .
Enderle, W., D. Navarro-Reyes, F. Gonzalez, E. Schoenemann, R. Zandbergen (2015): SLR measurements and their importance for Galileo. ILRS Technical Workshop 2015, October 26-30, Matera, Italy, Download.
Schoenemann, E., T. Springer, F. Dilßner, C. Garcia Serrano, C. Flohrer, F. Reichel, W. Enderle, R. Zandbergen (2015): Precise Orbit Determination for GNSS Satellites. 5th Galileo Science Colloquium 2015, October 27-29, Braunschweig, Germany, Download.
Reichel, F., E. Schoenemann, T. Springer, M. Becker, W. Enderle (2015): Analysis of Multi-GNSS Observations and the Challenges of their Combination. 5th Galileo Science Colloquium 2015, October 27-29, Braunschweig, Germany, Download.
Flohrer, C., T. Springer, M. Otten, C. Garcia Serrano, F. Dilßner, E. Schoenemann, W. Enderle (2015): Using SLR for GNSS orbit model validation. ILRS Technical Workshop 2015, October 26-30, Matera, Italy, Download .
Dilßner, F., T. Springer, E. Schoenemann, R. Zandbergen, W. Enderle (2015): Side-effects of a bad attitude: How GNSS spacecraft orientation errors affect solar radiation pressure modelling. EGU 2015, April 12-17, Vienna, Austria, Download.
Gerzen, T., J. Feltens, N. Jakowski, I. Galkin, R. Denton, B. Reinisch, R. Zandbergen (2015): Validation of plasmasphere electron density reconstructions derived from data on board CHAMP by IMAGE/RPI data. Advances of Space Research, Vol. 55, Iss. 1, pp. 170 – 183, 1 January 2015, 1-s2.0-S0273117714005018, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2014.08.005 .
Schoenemann, E., Becker, M., T. Springer, F. Dilßner, W. Enderle (2014): Impact of receiver design on multi-constellation multi-frequency processing. Conference: Proceedings of the 6th European Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signal Processing, Munich, Germany
Dilßner, F., T. Springer, E. Schoenemann, W. Enderle (2014): Estimation of Satellite Antenna Phase Center Corrections for BeiDou. IGS workshop 2014, June 23-27, Pasadena, USA, Download .
Gini, F., M. Otten, T. Springer, W. Enderle, S. Lemmens, T. Flohrer (2014): Precise orbit determination of the GOCE re-entry phase. 5th International GOCE user workshop, November 25-28, Paris, France, Download.
Schoenemann, E., T. Springer, F. Dilßner, W. Enderle, R. Zandbergen (2014): GNSS Analysis in a Multi-GNSS, Multi-Signal Environment. Poster at IGS workshop 2014, June 23-27, Pasadena, USA, Download.
Schoenemann, E., T. Springer, F. Dilssner, L. Agrotis, W. Enderle (2014): GNSS Analysis in a Multi-GNSS, Multi-Signal Environment. Presentation at EGU 2014, April 30, Vienna, Austria, Download.
Springer, T., M. Otten, C. Flohrer, F. Pereira, F. Gini (2014): GNSS Satellite Orbit Modeling at ESOC. IGS workshop 2014, June 23-27, Pasadena, USA, Download .
Springer, T., C. Flohrer, M. Otten, W. Enderle (2014): ESA Reprocessing: Advances in GNSS analysis. IGS workshop 2014, June 23-27, Pasadena, USA, Download .
Enderle, W., L. Agrotis, R. Zandbergen, M. van Kints, J. Martin (2013): Real-Time GNSS Activities at ESA. GPS World, Vol. 24, No. 11, Download .
Schoenemann, E. (2013): Analysis of GNSS raw observations in PPP solutions. Doctoral Thesis, https://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/id/eprint/3843
Montenbruck, O., P. Steigenberger, E. Schoenemann, A. Hauschild, U. Hugentobler, R. Dach, M. Becker (2012): Flight Characterization of New Generation GNSS Satellite Clocks. Navigation - Journal of The Institute of Navigation 59 (2012-12) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/navi.22
Dilßner, F., T. Springer, J. Weiss, G. Gienger, W. Enderle (2012): GNSS satellite attitude characteristics during eclipse season. IGS workshop 2012, July 23 – 27, Olsztyn, Poland, Download .
Dilßner, F., T. Springer, R. Schmid, W. Enderle (2012): Estimation of azimuthal satellite antenna phase center variations. IGS workshop 2012, July 23 – 27, Olsztyn, Poland, Download .
Enderle, W., R. Zandbergen, T. Springer, L. Agrotis (2012): Directions 2013: Galileo and GNSS to the Fore. GPS World, Vol. 23, No. 12, Download .
Gienger, G., Pereira, P. (2012): Towards Automated Determination of Orbit Maneuvers for GNSS Satellites. Proceedings of the 1st International Academy of Astronautics Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems (DyCoSS), March 19 – 21, Porto, Portugal, Download.
E. Schoenemann, T. Springer, M. Becker, and W. Enderle (2012): Raw Observation PPP and Global Network Solution. Presentation at EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria, EGU2012-6548
Schoenemann, E., T. Springer, R. Dach, L. Prange, M. Becker, U. Hugentobler, R. Weber, W. Enderle, A. Jäggi (2012): Development of a new combination software. IGS workshop 2012, July 23 – 27, Olsztyn, Poland, Download .
Dilßner, F., T. Springer, W. Enderle (2011): GPS IIF yaw attitude control during eclipse season. AGU Fall Meeting 2011, December 9, San Francisco, USA, Download .
Schoenemann, E., M. Becker, T. Springer (June 2011): A new Approach for GNSS Analysis in a Multi-GNSS and Multi-Signal Environment. Journal of Geodetic Science, DOI: 10.2478/v10156-010-0023-2
Dilßner, F., M. Otten, T. Springer, C. Flohrer, D. Svehla, R. Zandbergen (2011): GPS satellite antenna parameters from combined ground-based and space-borne data processing. EGU 2011, April 3-8, Vienna, Austria, Download .
Dilßner, F., R. Dach, R. Schmid, T. Springer, R. Zandbergen (2011): Updating the IGS processing standard: new GLONASS satellite antenna corrections for igs08.atx. EGU 2011, April 3-8, Vienna, Austria, Download .
Schoenemann, E., Springer, T., Becker, M. (2011): True Multi-GNSS-Signal processing, signal specific biases and their variations, EGU 2011, April 3-8, Vienna, Austria,
Dilßner, F., T. Springer, G. Gienger, J. Dow (2011): The GLONASS-M satellite yaw-attitude model. Adv Space Res 47 (1), 160-171, DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2010.09.007.
Dilßner, F., T. Springer, G. Gienger, R. Zandbergen (2011): Dancing in the Dark: How GNSS Satellites Cross the Earth’s Shadow. TU München, January 24, Munich, Germany, Download .
Feltens, J., M. Angling, N. Jackson-Booth, N. Jakowski, M. Hoque, M. Hernández-Pajares, A. Aragón-Angel, R. Orús and R. Zandbergen (2011): Comparative testing of four ionospheric models driven with GPS measurements. Radio Science, Vol. 46, RS0D12, doi: 10.1029/2010RS004584, 2011.
Feltens, J. (2011): Hyperboloidal coordinates: transformations and applications in special constructions. J. Geod., 85, 239 – 254.
Springer, T. F. Dilßner, D. Escobar, D. Svehla, C. Flohrer, R. Zandbergen (2011): NAPEOS: The ESA/ESOC tool for space geodesy. EGU 2011, April 3-8, Vienna, Austria, Download .
Dilßner, F. (2010): GPS IIF-1 satellite antenna phase center and attitude modeling. InsideGNSS, September, Download .
Dilßner, F., T. Springer, C. Flohrer, J. Dow (2010): Estimation of Phase Center Corrections for GLONASS-M Satellite Antennas. J. Geod. 84 (8), 467-480, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-010-0381-7.
Dilßner, F., T. Springer, J. Dow (2010): A new yaw-attitude model for eclipsing GLONASS-M satellites. COSPAR 2010, July 18-25, Bremen, Germany.
Dilßner, F., T. Springer, J. Dow (2010): Update of the IGS antenna phase center model: new GLONASS satellite antenna corrections from CODE and ESOC. IGS workshop 2010, June 28 – July 2, Newcastle, England.
Dilßner, F., T. Springer, J. Dow (2010): Modelling the GLONASS-M satellite yaw-attitude during eclipse seasons. IGS workshop 2010, June 28 – July 2, Newcastle, England.
Feltens, J., M. Angling, N. Jakowski, M. Hernández-Pajares and R. Zandbergen (2010c): “Global Ionospheric Monitoring and Navigation Systems”, presentation at the Beacon Satellite Symposium, Barcelona, Spain, 7 – 11 June, 2010.
Feltens, J., M. Angling, N. Jakowski, M. Hernández-Pajares and R. Zandbergen (2010b): “GNSS Contibution to Next Generation Global Ionospheric Monitoring”, presentation at the Beacon Satellite Symposium, Barcelona, Spain, 7 – 11 June, 2010.
Feltens, J., M. Angling, N. Jackson-Booth, N. Jakowski, M. Hoque, C. Mayer, M. Hernández-Pajares, A. García-Rigo, R. Orús-Perez, A. Aragón-Angel, and M. Juan Zornoza (2010a): “Recommendations for a New European Ionosphere Monitoring System”, Navigation Support Office, ESA Study Final Report DOPS-SYS-RP-5001-OPS-GN, 20 January 2010.
Krankowski A., M. Hernández-Pajares, J. Feltens, A. Komjathy, S. Schaer, A. García-Rigo and P. Wielgosz (2010): “Present and future IGS Ionospheric products”, IGS Workshop, 28 June – 2 July 2010, Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K.
Schoenemann, E., A. Hauschild, P. Steigenberger, T. Springer, J. Dow, O. Montenbruck, U. Hugentobler, M. Becker (2010): New Results from GIOVE: The CONGO-Network and the Potential of Tracking Networks with Multiple Receiver and Antenna Types. EGU 2010, May 2-7, Vienna, Austria.
Svehla, D., E. Schoenemann, D. Escobar, T. Springer (2010): Complete relativistic modelling of the GIOVE-B clock parameters and its impact on POD, track-track ambiguity resolution and precise timing. IGS workshop 2010, June 28 – July 2, Newcastle, England, Download.
Svehla, D., J. Dow, C. Flohrer, M. Otten, T. Springer, R. Zandbergen (2010): Instantaneous Reference Frame Realization by Means of Combination of Space Geodesy Techniques Onboard JASON-2 Satellite. EGU General Assembly 2010, May 4, Vienna, Austria, Download.
Dow, J., Springer, T. (2009): NAPEOS Mathematical Models and Algorithms, DOPS-SYS-TN-0100-OPS-GN Issue 1.0, ESOC, Germany, Download
Dilßner, F., Springer, T., Dow, J. (2009): Schätzung von Phasenzentrumskorrekturen für GLONASS-Satellitenantennen. 7. GNSS-Antennen-Workshop, March 19-20, Geodätisches Institut, TU Dresden, Germany.
Feltens, J. (2009): ” Vector method to compute the Cartesian ( X , Y , Z ) to geodetic (f,l,h) transformation on a triaxial ellipsoid”, J. Geod., 83, 129-137.
Hernández-Pajares, M., J.M. Juan, J. Sanz, R. Orus, A. Garcia-Rigo, J. Feltens, A. Komjathy, S.C. Schaer and A. Krankowski (2009): “The IGS VTEC maps: a reliable source of ionospheric information since 1998”, Journal of Geodesy, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-008-0266-1.
Schoenemann, E., F. Dilßner, D. Svehla, T. Springer, M. Becker, J. Dow, R. Zandbergen (2009): GIOVEA and B – Precursors of a New Era: Signal and Clock Quality and the Achievable Orbit Accuracy. 2nd International Colloquium – Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme, Padua, Italy.
Schoenemann, E., P. Alfaro, T. Springer, M. Becker, J. Dow, R. Zandbergen (2009): Limitations for near-real-time orbit and clock products and first results of a normal equation stacking approach for orbit and clock determination. EGU 2009, April 19-24, Vienna, Austria.
Schoenemann, E., T. Springer, M. Otten, M. Becker (2009): Where is GIOVE-A exactly? – Using Microwaves and Laser Ranging for Precise Orbit Determination. GPS World, Vol. 20, No. 7, Download .
Schmid, R., P. Steigenberger, R. Dach, M. Schmitz, F. Dilßner, U. Hugentobler (2009): Interactions of the IGS reprocessing and the IGS antenna phase center model. AGU Fall Meeting, December 14, San Francisco, USA.
Springer, T. and Dilßner, F. (2009): SVN49 and Other GPS Anomalies – Elevation-Dependent Pseudorange Errors in Block IIRs and IIR-Ms. InsideGNSS, July/August, Download .
Otten, M. ; Schoenemann, E. ; Fenoglio-Marc, Luciana ; Zandbergen, R. ; Dow, J. ; Becker, M. (2008): Improved POD for Envisat at ESOC by latest reference frame and new mean and time-variable gravity field models. Presentation at EGU 2008, April 3 – 18, Vienna Austria , Abstract
Dilßner, F., G. Seeber, G. Wübbena, M. Schmitz (2008): Impact of Near-Field Effects on the GNSS Position Solution. In: Proceedings of the 21st International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation ION GNSS 2008, September 16-19, Savannah, Georgia, USA, Download .
Feltens, J. (2008): ”Vector methods to compute azimuth, elevation, ellipsoidal normal, and the Cartesian (X,Y,Z) to geodetic (f,l,h) transformation”, J. Geod., 82, 493-504.
Springer, T., F. Dilßner, E. Schoenemann, M. Otten, I. Romero, J. Tegedor, F. Pereira, J. Dow (2008): ESOC new developments & innovations. International GNSS Service Analysis Center Workshop, June 2-6, Miami Beach, Florida, USA.
Springer, T., F. Dilßner, E. Schoenemann, I. Romero, J. Tegedor, F. Pereira, J. Dow (2008). ESOC IGS reprocessing. International GNSS Service Analysis Cen-ter Workshop, June 2-6, Miami Beach, Florida, USA.
Springer, T., F. Dilßner, E. Schoenemann, I. Romero, J.Tegedor, F. Pereira, J. Dow (2008): ESOC combined GNSS processing. International GNSS Service Analysis Center Workshop, June 2-6, Miami Beach, Florida, USA.
Feltens, J. (2007), “Development of a new three-dimensional mathematical ionosphere model at European Space Agency/European Space Operations Centre”, Space Weather, 5, S12002, doi:10.1029/2006SW000294.
Becker, M., Schoenemann, E., Zeimetz, P., Schlüter, W., Dow, J. (2007): Preparing for Galileo - New Results from Anechoic Chamber Absolute Antenna Calibration. Poster at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2007
Schoenemann, E., T. Springer, M. Otten, M. Becker, J. Dow (2007): GIOVE-A precise orbit determination from microwave and satellite laser ranging data – first perspectives for the Galileo constellation and its scientific use. In: Proceedings of the First Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme, October 1-4, Toulouse, France. Download
Feltens, J. and J. Dow, (2006): „Realized and Planned Improvements in ESA/ESOC Ionosphere Modelling”, IGS Presentation, in Proceedings of the 2006 IGS Workshop, ESOC, Darmstadt, May 8-11, 2006.
Leinen, S., M. Becker, J. Dow, J. Feltens, and K. Sauermann (2006): “Geodetic Determination of Radio Telescope Antenna Reference Point and Rotation Axis Parameters”, Journal of Surveying and Engineering (JoSE), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9453(2007)133:2(41).
Feltens, J., J. Dow, G. Billig, D. Fornarelli, S. Pallaschke, B. Smeds, H.-J. Volpp, P. Escoubet, H. Laakso (2005): “Ionosphärischer Einfluß auf die Satellitenkommunikation im S-Band”, Invited Presentation, in Proceedings of the 2nd National Workshop on Space Weather, DLR Neustrelitz, Neustrelitz, Germany, September 26-27, 2005.
Dow, J.M., C. García, J. Feltens, T. Springer, J. Perez, H. Boomkamp, E. Rojo, I. Romero (2005): “The ESA/ESOC IGS Analysis Centre Annual Report 2003-2004”, IGS 2002 Annual Report, The IGS Central Bureau, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.
Feltens, J., J. Dow, M. Becker, S. Leinen, K. Sauermann (2005): “The ESA Tracking Site Directory Version II”, in Proceedings of the 28th ESA Antenna Workshop on Space Antenna Systems and Technologies, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, May 31 – June 3, 2005.
Feltens, J., J. Dow, G. Billig, D. Fornarelli, S. Pallaschke, B. Smeds, H.-J. Volpp, P. Escoubet, H. Laakso (2004): “Relation of RF Link Degradations Observed on Cluster and Other Spacecraft to Spread-F with the Aid of IGS TEC Maps”, Invited Presentation, in Proceedings of the 2nd ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User Equipment Technologies NAVITEC ‘2004, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, December 8-10, 2004.
Billig, G., J. Dow, J. Feltens, D. Fornarelli, S. Pallaschke, B. Smeds, H.-J. Volpp, P. Escoubet, H. Laakso (2004): “RF link degradation by Spread-F, observed on Cluster and other ESA Spacecraft”, Tracking, Telemetry and Command Systems for Space Applications, TTC 2004, September 7-9, 2004, ESA/ESOC.
Laakso, H., P. Escoubet, G. Billig, J. Dow, J. Feltens, D. Fornarelli, S. Pallaschke, B. Smeds, H.-J. Volpp (2004): “RF Link Degradations by Spread-F Observed on Cluster Spacecraft”, 2004 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, August 16-20, 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Feltens, J., J.M.Dow, G.Billig, D.Fornarelli, S.Pallaschke, B.Smeds, H.-J.Volpp, P.Escoubet, H.Laakso (2004): „Usage of IGS TEC Maps to explain RF Link Degradations by Spread-F, observed on Cluster and other ESA Spacecraft”, IGS Presentation, in Proceedings of the 2004 IGS Workshop & Symposium, AIUB, Berne, Switzerland, March 1-5, 2004.
Hernandez-Pajares,M., J.Feltens, P.Heroux, S.Schaer and B.D.Wilson (2003): “IGS activities on measurements techniques in the Ionosphere: Global TEC Maps”, IUGG2003, Sapporo Japan, July 2, 2003.
Hernandez-Pajares,M. and J.Feltens (2003): “IGS Ionosphere Working Group Activities: Update since September 2002”, Presentation at the 22th IGS GB Meeting, Nice, France, April 6, 2003.
Feltens,J. (2003b): “The Activities of the Ionosphere Working Group of the International GPS Service (IGS)”, GPS solutions, Vol. 7, No. 1, p 41 ff, May 2003.
Feltens,J. (2003a): “The International GPS Service (IGS) Ionosphere Working Group”, Advances in Space Research, Vol. 31, No. 3, p 635-644, 2003.
Billig,G., J.Feltens, S.Pallaschke, B.Smeds, H.-J.Volpp (2003): “Cluster AGC Fluctuations Working Group Final Report”, ESA Technical Note CL-COM-RP-1001-TOS, 22 December 2003.
Feltens,J. and M.Hernandez-Pajaes (2002f): „2002 IGS Activities in the Area of the Ionosphere”, IGS 2002 Technical Report, The IGS Central Bureau, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.
Feltens,J. and M.Hernandez-Pajaes (2002e): „2002 IGS Activities in the Area of the Ionosphere”, IGS 2002 Annual Report, The IGS Central Bureau, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.
Feltens,J. (2002d): „Current Status of ESOC Ionosphere Modelling and Planned Improvements”, IGS Presentation, in Proceedings of the 2002 IGS Analysis Center Workshop, NRCan, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, April 8-11, 2002.
Feltens,J. (2002c): „Iono_WG Status Report and Outlook – Position Paper -”, IGS Presentation, in Proceedings of the 2002 IGS Analysis Center Workshop, NRCan, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, April 8-11, 2002.
Feltens,J. (2002b): „Résumé of Three Years of Iono_WG Activities and Status of Comparisons & Validations”, IGS Presentation, in Collection of Papers of the IGS/IAACs Ionosphere Workshop, ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany, January 17-18, 2002.
Feltens,J. (2002a): „Current Status of ESOC Ionosphere Modelling and Planned Improvements”, IGS Presentation, in Collection of Papers of the IGS/IAACs Ionosphere Workshop, ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany, January 17-18, 2002.
Feltens,J. (2001b): „2001 IGS Activities in the Area of the Ionosphere”, IGS 2001 Technical Report, The IGS Central Bureau, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.
Feltens,J. (2001a): „2001 IGS Activities in the Area of the Ionosphere”, IGS 2001 Annual Report, The IGS Central Bureau, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.
Feltens,J., N.Jakowski and J. Cisak (2001): „The International GPS Service (IGS) Ionosphere Working Group Activities”, Presentation at the Antarctic Geodesy Symposium 2001 (AGS’01), Saint-Petersburg, Russia, July 17-21, 2001.
Feltens,J. and P.H. Doherty (2001): „The International GPS Service (IGS) Ionosphere Working Group”, Presentation at the International Beacon Satellite Symposium, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA 02167, U.S.A., June 3-6, 2001.
Feltens,J., N.Jakowski and C.Noll (2001): „High-Rate SolarMax IGS/GPS campaign „HIRAC/SolarMax“, Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS) bulletin, 16(3), 2001.
I. Romero, C. García Martínez, J.M. Dow, R. Zandbergen, GLONASS Precise Orbit Determination, Proceedings GNSS 2001, Seville, Spain, May 2001.
I. Romero, C. García Martínez, J.M. Dow, R. Zandbergen, Moving GPS Precise Orbit Determination Towards Real-Time, Proceedings GNSS 2001, Seville, Spain, May 2001.
Feltens,J. (2000c): „2000 IGS Activities in the Area of the Ionosphere”, IGS 2000 Technical Report, The IGS Central Bureau, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.
Feltens,J. (2000b): „2000 IGS Activities in the Area of the Ionosphere”, IGS 2000 Annual Report, The IGS Central Bureau, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.
Feltens,J. (2000a): „Die Ionosphären-Arbeitsgruppe der Internationalen GPS Service (IGS)”, in Proceedings Nationaler Workshop zum Weltraumwetter, DLR, Neustrelitz, Germany, October 26-27, 2000, pp 161-169.
I. Romero, C. García Martínez, R. Kahle, J.M. Dow, T. Martín Mur, Precise Orbit Determination of GLONASS Satellites at the European Space Agency, Proceedings COSPAR 2000, Warsaw, Poland, July 2000.
I. Romero, R. Vignjevic, Deployable Space Manipulator Closed-Loop Control, Ideas and Possibilities of Using GPS as a Sensor, Advances in Space Research (to appear)
Feltens,J. and S.Schaer (1999b): „1999 IGS Activities in the Area of the Ionosphere”, IGS 1999 Technical Report, The IGS Central Bureau, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.
Feltens,J. and S.Schaer (1999a): „The IGS Ionosphere Working Group Activities in 1999”, IGS 1999 Annual Report, The IGS Central Bureau, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.
Feltens,J. and C.Noll (1999): „GPS data collected during August 1999 solar eclipse“, Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS) bulletin, 15(1), 1999.
Jakowski,N., S.Schlüter, S.Heise and J.Feltens (1999b): „Auswirkungen der Sonnenfinsternis vom 11. August 1999 auf die Ionosphäre“, Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten (AVN), 11-12/1999, Wichmann Verlag, pp 370-373.
Jakowski,N., S.Schlüter, S.Heise and J.Feltens (1999a): „Satellite Technology Glimpses Ionospheric Response to Solar Eclipse“, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 80, No. 51, December 21, 1999, pp 621 ff.
Feltens,J. (1999b): „Routine Production of Ionosphere TEC Maps at ESOC“, IGS Presentation, in Proceedings of the 1999 IGS Analysis Centers Workshop, SIO, La Jolla, California, U.S.A., June 8-10, 1999.
Feltens,J. (1999a): „IGS Products for the Ionosphere – One Year of Iono_WG Activities –“, IGS Presentation, in Proceedings of the 1999 IGS Analysis Centers Workshop, SIO, La Jolla, California, U.S.A., June 8-10, 1999.
Feltens,J. (1998c): „1998 IGS Ionosphere Working Group Status Report”, IGS 1998 Status Report, The IGS Central Bureau, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.
Feltens,J. (1998b): „Efforts towards a Combined IGS Ionosphere Product started”, IGS 1998 Annual Report, The IGS Central Bureau, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.
Feltens,J., J.M.Dow, T.J.Martin-Mur, C.Garcia-Martinez and P. Bernedo (1998): „Routine Production of Ionosphere TEC Maps at ESOC – First Results”, IGS Presentation, in Proceedings of the 1998 IGS Analysis Centers Workshop, ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany, February 9-11, 1998, pp 273-284.
Feltens,J. (1998a): „Chapman Profile Approach for 3-d Global TEC Representation”, IGS Presentation, in Proceedings of the 1998 IGS Analysis Centers Workshop, ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany, February 9-11, 1998, pp 285-297.
T. Martín Mur, C. García Martínez, Data Analysis of Space Based Relative GPS Experiments , FDS-98, AAS 98-325, 1998.
Schaer,S., W.Gurtner and J.Feltens (1998): „IONEX: The IONosphere Map EXchange Format Version 1”, in Proceedings of the 1998 IGS Analysis Centers Workshop, ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany, February 9-11, 1998, pp 233-247.
T. Martín Mur, J.M. Dow, Satellite Navigation Using GPS , ESA Bulletin, 1997.
Feltens, J., J.M. Dow, T.J. Martin-Mur, C. Garcia-Martinez, F. Martinez-Fadrique and R. Piriz (1997): Using GPS for Ionospheric Corrections of ESA Tracking Data, Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics, 2-6 June 1997, ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany, pp. 121-125.
T. Martín Mur, J.M. Dow, C. García Martínez, Absolute and Relative Navigation of Spacecraft Using GPS – The ATV Rendezvous Predevelopment Flight Demonstrations, 12th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics, Darmstadt, Germany, 2-6 June 1997.
P. Bernedo, T. Martín Mur, J.M. Dow, C. García Martínez, Monitoring of Global Navigation Satellite Systems, 12th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics, Darmstadt, Germany, 2-6 June 1997.
Dow,J.M., T.J.Martin-Mur, J.Feltens, C.Garcia-Martinez and M.A.Bayona-Perez (1996): „Orbital and Other Products of the International GPS Service for Geodynamics (IGS)“ Acta Astronautica, Vol. 38, Nos. 4-8, pp. 437-443.
Feltens,J. (1996b): „Ionosphere Maps – A New Product of IGS?“ IGS Ionosphere Session Summary summarised after the IGS Analysis Centre Workshop, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA, March 19 to 21, 1996, in Proceedings of the 1996 IGS Analysis Centers Workshop.
Feltens,J., J.M.Dow, T.J.Martin-Mur, C.Garcia-Martinez and M.A.Bayona-Perez (1996): „Verification of ESOC Ionosphere Modelling and Status of IGS Intercomparison Activity“ IGS Paper presented at the IGS Analysis Centre Workshop, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA, March 19 to 21, 1996, in Proceedings of the 1996 IGS Analysis Centers Workshop.
Feltens,J. (1996a): „Ionosphere Models – A New Product of IGS ?“ IGS Position Paper presented at the IGS Analysis Centre Workshop, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA, March 19 to 21, 1996, in Proceedings of the 1996 IGS Analysis Centers Workshop.
Casotto, S., J.M. Dow, T. Martín Mur, TOPEX/Poseidon Precise Orbit Determination using GPS Double Difference Phase Observables. COSPAR 30th Scientific Assembly, Hamburg, July 1994. Adv. in Space Res., Vol 16, No. 12, 1995.
Dow, J.M., T. Martín Mur, C. García Martínez, J. Feltens: High Precision Orbits for the International GPS Service for Geodynamics (IGS), COSPAR 30th Scientific Assembly, Hamburg, July 1994. Adv. in Space Res., Vol 16, No. 12, 1995.
Dow,J.M., T.J.Martin-Mur, J.Feltens, C.Garcia-Martinez and M.A.Bayona-Perez (1995): „Orbital and Other Products of the International GPS Service for Geodynamics (IGS)“ Presented at the 46th International Astronautical Congress, Oslo, Norway, October 2 to 6, 1995.
Dow,J.M., T.J. Martin-Mur, J.Feltens and C.Garcia-Martinez (1995): „IGS Orbits for GPS Applications“ Publication dedicated to Erwin Groten on the occasion of his 60th anniversary, June 28, 1995, Darmstadt, Germany.
Feltens,J. (1995): “Non-gravitational Forces on Satellite Orbits.” National Report of the Federal Republic of Germany on the Geodetic Activities in the Years 1991 – 1995. Presented at XXI General Assembly of the International Union for Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Boulder, USA, July 2 to 16, 1995.
Feltens,J. and J.M.Dow (1995): „Establishment of an Ionosphere Monitoring Facility at ESOC“ Publication dedicated to Erwin Groten on the occasion of his 60th anniversary, June 28, 1995, Darmstadt, Germany.
Garcia-Martinez,C., J.M.Dow, T.J.Martin-Mur, J.Feltens and M.A. Bayona-Perez (1995): „The GPS receiver network of ESOC: Maspalomas, Kourou, Kiruna, Perth and Villafranca“ International GPS Service for Geodynamics, 1994 Annual Report, September 1, 1995, pp. 281-286, IGS Central Bureau, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA.
Martín Mur, T.J., Estimation of Precise GPS Clock Bias values by the ESOC IGS Analysis Centre, Proceedings of the 1995 IGS Workshop, May 1995.
Martin-Mur,T.J., J.M.Dow, J.Feltens and C.Garcia-Martinez (1995): „Annual report of the ESOC IGS Analysis Centre to the IERS for 1994“ IERS TN 19, Observatoire de Paris, September 1995, pp. P-13 to P-17.
Martin-Mur,T.J., J.M.Dow, N.Bondarenco, C.Garcia-Martinez and J.Feltens (1995): „Use of GPS for Precise and Operational Orbit Determination at ESOC“ Proceedings of the ION (Institute of Navigation) GPS-95.
Martin-Mur,T.J., J.M.Dow, C.Garcia-Martinez and J.Feltens (1995): “The ESOC / IGS Analysis Centre.” International GPS Service for Geodynamics, 1994 Annual Report, September 1, 1995, pp. 1163-1168, IGS Central Bureau, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA
Casotto, S., M. Romay Merino, T. Martín Mur, J.M. Dow, Sub-decimetre Determination of the TOPEX/Poseidon Orbit. OAD WP No. 544, ESA/ESOC, August 1994.
Dow, J.M., T.J. Martín Mur, M.M. Romay Merino: ESA’s Precise Orbit Determination Facility, ESA Bulletin no. 78, May 1994.
Dow,J.M., T.J.Martin-Mur, C.Garcia-Martinez and J.Feltens (1994): „High Precision Orbits for the International GPS Service for Geodynamics (IGS)“ COSPAR pp. (12)51-(12)54.
Dow,J.M., T.J.Martin-Mur, S.Casotto, J.Feltens, C.Garcia-Martinez and M.A.Bayona-Perez (1994): „Determination of Satellite Orbits with GPS“ Presented at the International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics, St.Petersburg – Moscow, Russia, May 22 to 28, 1994.
Martin-Mur,T.J., J.M.Dow, J.Feltens and C.Garcia-Martinez (1994): „Annual report from the ESOC / IGS Analysis Centre to the IERS for 1993“ March 1994, ESA / European Space Operations Centre.
Martin-Mur,T.J., J.M.Dow, J.Feltens and C.Garcia-Martinez (1994): „Annual Report from the ESOC Analysis Centre for 1993“ P-23 to P-35, IERS TN 17, September 1994.
Dow,J.M., C.Garcia-Martinez, T.J.Martin-Mur, J.Feltens (1993): „The ESOC IGS Network Centre: Operations and Communications“ Presented at the IGS Network Operations Workshop International GPS Service for Geodynamics, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA, October 18 to 20, 1993, no proceedings.
Martin-Mur,T.J., J.M.Dow, J.Feltens and C.Garcia-Martinez (1993): „ESOC Report to the 1993 IGS Analysis Centre Workshop“ Presented at the IGS Analysis Centre Workshop, International GPS Service for Geodynamics, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, October 12 to 14, 1993, no proceedings.
Martin-Mur,T.J., J.M.Dow, J.Feltens and C.Garcia-Martinez (1993): „IGS Activities at ESOC“ Presented at the European Geophysical Society XII General Assembly, May 3 to 7, 1993, Wiesbaden, Germany , no proceedings.
Martin-Mur,T.J., J.M.Dow, J.Feltens and C.Garcia-Martinez (1993): „ESOC Station Coordinate Solutions for the IGS’92 Campaign, Including Epoch’92“ Proceedings of the International Association of Geodesy IGS Workshop, Berne, Switzerland, March 25-26, pp 275-284.
Dow,J.M., T.J.Martin-Mur, J.Feltens and C.Garcia-Martinez (1993): „The ESOC GPS Facility: Report on the IGS 1992 Campaign and Outlook“ Proceedings of the International Association of Geodesy IGS Workshop, Berne, Switzerland, March 25-26, 1993, pp 111-122.
Dow,J.M., J.Feltens, T.J.Martin-Mur, S.Frey, C.Garcia-Martinez and S.Casotto (1992): „Satellite Determinations of Earth Orientation with Emphasis on GPS“ Presented at the World Space Congress, Washington, August 28 to September 9, 1992.
Dow,J.M., J.Feltens, P.Duque and F.Sarti (1992): „A GPS Orbit Determination and Analysis Facility“ Proceedings of the 6th International Geodetic Symposium on Satellite Positioning, Columbus (Ohio), U.S.A, March 17 to 20, 1992, Vol. I pp 472-481.
Feltens,J. (1991): „Nicht-gravitative Störeinflüsse bei der Modellierung von GPS-Erdumlaufbahnen“ Deutsche Geodätische Kommission, Reihe C (Dissertationen), Heft 371, München, 1991.